Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The ups and downs

Our journey continues to take our family on a lot of ups and downs. We left the children's home in May, not long after our boys went to their adoptive home. We decided to focus on preaching school, raising our own children, and concentrating on their education to the best of our ability. That hasn't come without it's own challenges, but at least I'm giving my children the best I have to offer.

I am so thankful for the opportunities that our school has to offer because I am growing in so many ways! I have learned that I have an ability to speak in public. I joined my fellow preaching student wives in helping to put on Ladies' Day at Karns church of Christ. I had volunteered to be one of the speakers, and though my lesson was only 15 minutes long, I had a message to share about teaching our children to be modest. I really enjoyed preparing my lesson, and although I was nervous, speaking in front of 100+ people wasn't as frightening as I would have thought. I remember, when I was younger, my mom tried to encourage me to be a better speaker. My mom was/is a wonderful speaker, and I was terribly shy. I never thought I would be able to do it, but I did, and I did it well! And I like speaking! I have a lot to say...about lessons from the Bible, parenting, teaching...and I can't wait for my next opportunity.

Look for my Ladies' Day lesson here soon.

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